Comments on: 20 Money Saving Tips for Gardening Wed, 19 May 2021 23:44:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marilyn Sat, 03 May 2014 14:02:09 +0000 This is true. We’ve had so many bulbs multiply from one or two, that we’ve had to give them away to anyone who would take them. Some were found on the road sides here, like the double bloomed orange lilies that we had far too many of, or the wild flowers that some call brown eyed Susan’s.

We found a few bulbs of something or other and dug them up, replanted them in another area. They were, when they bloomed, double-bearded iris’s, in a gorgeous shade of violet. (we gave those away, too, they kept multiplying), and our neighbors had too many daffodils and tulips, which is a nice swap.

Years back, my parents grew chives and rhubarb and they shared, because they had too much, soon, we had chives all over the yard and rhubarb enough to share with others.

You don’t need much. You do need folks to take some off your hands!
